To assist with dating connections we sometimes host:
1) Virtual calls & In-person events
In-person events or Zoom calls with break-out rooms to get to know other Christian singles in the Boston Area!
2) Relationship coaching
I offer free one-on-one Zoom coaching on Christian Dating as my schedule allows. :)
3) Relationship training
Free relationship seminars on Christian Dating & Helpful Marriage Tips as my schedule allows. :)
3) Christian Dating Events
Small dinners, custom parties and occasional Speed Dating events. Please read below!
Glad you asked!
It is not enough time know if you want to be in a dating relationship with someone, but days might not be enough time to decide that either...
Seven minutes is just enough time to get a 'gut feeling' for someone to the point where you can decide if 'you'd like to have a cup of coffee with them to get to know them more".
That's it. That's the purpose. And it leaves enough time to do that with 3-15 people in one night. :)
Seven minutes can also save you from spending a hour or more (plus traffic) meeting someone you chatted with online to then realize you have less in common with them than you thought....just as the food arrives...
The comment I hear most often from introverts who have attended my speed dating events is how much fun they had though they had been nervous before coming. These individuals realized that 7 minutes is short enough to avoid most awkward silences and gives people more structure than many other social events.
Please see below to understand more of the steps and details and how I keep everyone's preferences confidential -and do the matching for you!
I confidentially collect feedback forms from all attendees about each person that they met during an event, and, if there is mutual interest expressed by attendees on these forms, I let both people know. It's that simple. Now they are off to a casual 'coffee date' to learn more about each other.
And, you don't have to worry if you tell me you have an interest in someone but they, per their form, are not ready to meet yet, because I do not tell them of your interest. I simply give you feedback from looking at their form - but I do not speak with them further.
The reverse is also true! If people tell me they are interested in you (but you do not choose them on your event form), you will never know they were interested. It's confidential. :)
Why do I do it this way?
So that there are no awkward feelings later if you meet someone at church or another event.
Even better, this gives you the chance to continue to build a friendship with someone who, after they know you better, might grow to love you (even if after just 7 minutes they did not feel a 'yes' yet). *Guys, please note that, generally speaking, women take longer to realize who they like...!
Speed dating keeps your options open and jump starts those with mutual interest early on!
A helpful note:
Choosing someone on an event form expresses a desire to get to know someone better but is not a 'commitment'. It is not 'courting'. It is just getting to know people in fun settings to see if you might want to date them more seriously over time. I hope people will have multiple casual coffees with different people before deciding who they want to spend more time with. It leaves more time for prayer and wisdom in who you choose! :) Just my suggestion!
If you attend an event and submit your completed preferences form withing 48 hours (& most people submit their preferences form that night) and the event is online - then the event is 100% free to you. :) A $25 deposit is requested but returned after the event, and kept only for last minute cancellations (48 hours or less).
In person events may also charge a small fee for food/room costs - but sometimes we are given space by churches for free. :) So that is great. ;)
Just complete the general email list sign-up form and you will be emailed when public dating events occur.
To be invited to smaller dating events I often need to have met you in person.
Joining our Facebook group is helpful for my getting to meet you and for getting to meet people on a friendship basis first.
Those who have met others in the group on a friendship basis first are often the most successful when attending speed dating events!