What I've learned about what men tend to find attractive and some of it may surprise you!
Also - what's the big deal about looks? Isn't it shallow? Do we judge men this way also?
One quick dating tip for women:)
Rebekah's Interview with a Christian single woman in the Boston area (coming soon!)
Before you let another holiday season go by with no progress made in the dating department - watch this video!
At a high level:
What qualities to look for?
How to pray and discern God's voice in dating?
How to look most attractive to a man - in case you'd like to know.
What if I'm still single?
And more!
Woman to woman - Hard truths on how to love a man better. Come see if you agree with at least one of these and if it might help you.
Part 1
Successfully Shy - Part 1 - how to get your strengths across with confidence and in the least amount of words possible.
Also see the next video for part 2 of 'Successfully Shy" on "How to know 70% of the questions you will be asked at most events you go to, and prepare great answers to them in advance.
These tips are useful in both social and career networking events!
'Successfully Shy - Part 2" on "How to know 70% of the questions you will be asked at most events you go to, and prepare great answers to them in advance.
These tips are useful in both social and career networking events!
Make online dating more efficient, successful and fun!
Online dating might not be the right choice for you, and online dating can be shallow and less safe.
I simply provide this video because online dating has worked well for many and...
... if you are going to try online dating, this video suggests tips to make it more effective and more safe.
God bless!